adopters, dog rescue, Fankie, foster fail, fosterdogs, fostering, parvo, puppies

Home for the Holidays

A puppy for Christmas is a pretty great present, especially if it’s these particular puppies. All of the puppies are medically cleared to go home on Christmas eve.

Lassie and Beethoven have eager adopters who have already come to meet them, who will take home their very special Christmas presents this Thursday. We are still processing adoption applications for Benji, but hopefully he will also go home.

And Otis?

Continue reading “Home for the Holidays”
dog rescue, Fanny, foster dogs, foster fail, fostering, Gracie

Tito or Not to Tito

Here is the post I thought I’d put up earlier this week before I left for the cabin to celebrate my birthday:

[Note: much has changed since then I will update you later this week!]

All of the puppies are now in their forever homes. So, it was time to pick up the really special dog I’ve been anxiously awaiting! Continue reading “Tito or Not to Tito”

dog rescue, foster dogs, fostering, Gala, Uncategorized

When Your Best Isn’t Enough

It is possibly Gala’s last week with us.

I say possibly, because we’ve been here before. Time and again, we’ve had a plan for Gala and it has not come to fruition. My family only rolls their eyes at me when I tell them Gala is leaving on [insert fairy-tale date].

This time she is set to move Continue reading “When Your Best Isn’t Enough”