adopters, Dogs with Issues

Bonnie and Clyde

I’ve been waiting to tell you this story. The puppies were much too distracting, but now that five of six puppies have been adopted (and the sixth will go home on Sunday), I can tell you about Bonnie and Clyde.

The other reason I’ve waited is because I wanted to give them time. Their minds were so completely blown when I first brought them home and I didn’t think it was fair to assess them until they had the opportunity to settle in and be treated like the good dogs they are.

Bonnie and Clyde were born in a house rented by an elderly woman. She kept all of the dogs in a small ten by ten room off her kitchen closed in with a piece of plywood. She had illusions of breeding ‘Scotch Terriers’ to make money. Her story is not unusual. In fact, it’s the reason so many shelters are overwhelmed by the number of puppies coming in.

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adopters, foster dogs, puppies

Knowing Where They Come From

I don’t usually know where my foster dogs come from. Well, that’s not exactly right, I know it’s a shelter or maybe another foster home, but not much about their story.

I don’t know their parents or their previous owners.

When I foster puppies (and dogs), everyone wants to know what breed they are. But that’s another detail I don’t know and can only guess.

Not so, with the dogs and puppies I have fostered so far this year. All of them have come from local hoarding/eviction situations.

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adopters, dog rescue, foster dogs, foster fail, fostering, Humane Society of Shenandoah County, oph, puppies

Adoption magic

I was really counting on that adoption magic to prevail this week, but I’m an overly optimistic person.

I was able to see four of my puppies into the arms of their new families.

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fosterdogs, Humane Society of Shenandoah County, Long Term Dog, mama dogs, puppies

Small Dog Puppies and Big Dog Puppies

Oh my gosh, small dog puppies are SO much easier than big dog puppies. At least in large quantities.

Clean up takes a fraction of the time and the correlating stink is also much lighter!

Maybe the best part is that I can hold three of four of them on my lap at a time (which still leaves two yelling for my attentions).

And talk about cuteness – why are small things so much cuter than large things?

Continue reading “Small Dog Puppies and Big Dog Puppies”
adopters, dog rescue, foster dogs, Humane Society of Shenandoah County, Long Term Dog, Pit bull, Updates

How About a Pupdate?

How about a pupdate?I recently checked in with The Snack Cake puppies who are four months old! I was looking for pictures that the Humane Society could use for their brand new website.

The pups are living happy lives and clearly being loved enormously. Suzie Q goes to work with her mom, who is a vet tech, and is the star of the show at the vet office in Winchester. All the pups weigh around 30 pounds, so they’ve put on twenty pounds in two months! (and they are already bigger than their mother!)

Continue reading “How About a Pupdate?”
adopters, foster dogs, fostering dogs, hard to adopt, Humane Society of Shenandoah County, Long Term Dog, owner surrender

Why Would You Want a Puppy, When You Could Have This Great Dog?

On our recent shelter tour, a director asked me, “Who would want to adopt a puppy?” (it was a rhetorical question so it wasn’t necessary, but I said, “Not me!”)

She went on to explain why she hustles puppies out the door to rescues, and only adopts out adult dogs.

Our little foster cottage is mostly quiet these days. That is unless Marley spots a squirrel daring to cross our property. Krimpet went home with an adopter after her spay surgery on Monday.

Continue reading “Why Would You Want a Puppy, When You Could Have This Great Dog?”
dog rescue, Dogs with Issues, fosterdogs

My Husband is Pretty Great

My husband is pretty great. If you’ve read my book, Another Good Dog, you probably already know that (and wonder why he’s still married to me).

He likes dogs. But not like I like dogs. Or at least not like I like fostering dogs. Right now we have two foster dogs (the puppies all went home-finally!!) living with us (plus Gracie Lou who is currently fostering in Maryland).

Continue reading “My Husband is Pretty Great”
adopters, dog rescue, foster dogs, fostering, hard to adopt, heartworms, hound dogs, Humane Society of Shenandoah County, multiple dogs, puppies

The House of Bark

I’m currently working in the house of bark.

It’s rarely like this, but for the next nine hours, until our temporary foster takes off for his new life, there doesn’t seem to be a way around it. I’m trying to breathe calmly and exude still energy, but nothing really helps with this particular combination of dog.

I’m fairly sure he’s a Husky mix because of his need to ‘talk’ all the time, his crazy smarts, and his style of play (chasing anything and everything but not bringing it back). At nine months, Steele is a bundle of energy and curiosity.

Continue reading “The House of Bark”
adopters, dog rescue, fosterdogs, hound dogs, litters, mama dogs, puppies, worms

Down to the Wire with These Puppies

We are getting down to the wire with these puppies, matching them with adopters, microchipping (tomorrow!), and I just slogged through the multi-day Safeguard deworming protocol (none of us enjoyed it). They’ll get their second set of vaccines and be ready to go home as early as December 30th.

Every day I grow more convinced that they are hound dogs. As a foster, I try very hard to dodge fostering hound dog puppies. Not because they aren’t cute, oh my gosh, they are. And not because they aren’t fun or sweet or snuggly – they’ve got that in spades. But because they are messy.

Continue reading “Down to the Wire with These Puppies”
adopters, dog rescue, fostering, Humane Society of Shenandoah County, puppies, training

Love is Not Enough When It Comes to Puppies

Love is not enough. At least when it comes to puppies (maybe when it comes to anything…).

Raising a good dog means putting in the work when they are puppies. The genes and individuality of your puppy are out of your control, but there’s lots more that is within your control.

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