adopters, dog rescue, fostering dogs, puppies


It’s a regular puppy-palooza at this foster cottage. I was home from the latest shelter tour only a few hours when the deluge began.

Nancy and I picked up Sampson from the house of a new HSSC foster where he’d been with his mom for the last ten days. Tina told us that he’s a doll but he was driving her older dog a little nuts. She would continue to foster Sampson’s mama (Beatrix’s sister!) because she’s so easy and good, but would be grateful if I could take the youngster off her hands.

Continue reading “Puppy-palooza!”
fosterdogs, Humane Society of Shenandoah County, Long Term Dog, mama dogs, puppies

Small Dog Puppies and Big Dog Puppies

Oh my gosh, small dog puppies are SO much easier than big dog puppies. At least in large quantities.

Clean up takes a fraction of the time and the correlating stink is also much lighter!

Maybe the best part is that I can hold three of four of them on my lap at a time (which still leaves two yelling for my attentions).

And talk about cuteness – why are small things so much cuter than large things?

Continue reading “Small Dog Puppies and Big Dog Puppies”
adopters, dog rescue, foster dogs, Humane Society of Shenandoah County, Long Term Dog, Pit bull, Updates

How About a Pupdate?

How about a pupdate?I recently checked in with The Snack Cake puppies who are four months old! I was looking for pictures that the Humane Society could use for their brand new website.

The pups are living happy lives and clearly being loved enormously. Suzie Q goes to work with her mom, who is a vet tech, and is the star of the show at the vet office in Winchester. All the pups weigh around 30 pounds, so they’ve put on twenty pounds in two months! (and they are already bigger than their mother!)

Continue reading “How About a Pupdate?”
adopters, Breeds, foster dogs, fostering dogs, hound dogs, Humane Society of Shenandoah County, puppies

How Big Will the Puppies Be?

The Snack Cake Pups were born November 2, so they were five weeks old on Thursday. They are weighing in at between six to seven pounds. The question everyone asks (right after they ask what kind of puppies they are) is—how big will they be?

The answer to that question depends largely on the answer to the first question. And the only one who has the answer to that question is Krimpet, and she’s not been forthcoming with the information.

Continue reading “How Big Will the Puppies Be?”
adopters, dog rescue, euthanasia, former foster dogs, hard to adopt, Humane Society of Shenandoah County, pregnant dog, puppies

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Someone famous wrote–the waiting is the hardest part.

But actually, for some it is and for others, it isn’t.

With Krimpet, it’s not hard at all. I’m hoping to wait at least another week. The longer those puppies stay in Krimpet’s belly, the healthier she and they will be.

Continue reading “The Waiting is the Hardest Part”
adopters, foster cats, foster dogs, kittens, litters, puppies

Surrounded by Kittens and Puppies

Being surrounded by kittens and puppies while you work is good and bad.

Good…aren’t they adorable? And they’re right here anytime I need some inspiration or snuggle.

And bad…aren’t they adorable? And they’re right here anytime I need a distraction or a snuggle.

Continue reading “Surrounded by Kittens and Puppies”
dog rescue, foster dogs, fostering, Humane Society of Shenandoah County, oph, owner surrender, puppies, shelters, Who Will Let the Dogs Out

I Remember Puppies Now…


Ah, now I remember.

And I’m really glad I only have three as I get my puppy-raising legs back underneath me.

After several different set ups, I’ve settled on having a big area (3/4 of the room) for their awake time and a small area (1/4) for bed time, nap time, and get-them-out-of-the-way-so-I-can-clean-without-helpers time.

Continue reading “I Remember Puppies Now…”
dog rescue, euthanasia, foster dogs, fostering, oph, parvo, puppies

The Lessons of Parvo

I’m not sure where to begin to write about this odyssey that began two weeks ago today and is still not over. I’ll try not to ramble, but I’m running on fumes after having spent the night in the puppy pen. I did catch a few hours sleep with puppies nestled against me (or Beethoven sprawled across my neck!).

I didn’t know a lot about parvo before this began—probably what most dog rescue people know. It’s a highly contagious virus that can be lethal, especially to unvaccinated puppies. But now I know so much more.

Continue reading “The Lessons of Parvo”
adopters, fostering, litters, puppies

Foster Puppies: Quick Before They Escape!

The puppies are thriving and noisy and ever since getting their first taste of freedom in the puppy yard, all they want is “OUT!”

Or at least, that’s what I imagine they are saying as they yip-yip-yap all the live-long day whenever they are left in the puppy room. Thankfully, the weather has been nice and they’ve had plenty of time in the puppy yard. If only I could install my desk out there, we would be all set. As it is, I can’t leave them out there unsupervised.

Continue reading “Foster Puppies: Quick Before They Escape!”
Diary, dog rescue, fostering, hookworms, puppies, training

Diary of a Rescue Week Five

There aren’t as many entries this week because, well, everybody’s fine. The cuteness and the mess continue to escalate, but otherwise, no news is good news, right?

This week the puppies were offered to the people on the ‘Puppy Waiting List.’ After they make their selections, the puppies will be added to the rescue’s website.  I’m excited to get to know the people who will be taking these precious pups home in less than two weeks!

Here are this week’s diary entries for Continue reading “Diary of a Rescue Week Five”